Israeli soldier killed and seven wounded in Hizbullah attack

Israeli soldier killed and seven wounded in Hizbullah attack

      Israeli soldier killed and seven wounded in Hizbullah attack
    February 7, 2000

    Staff-Sgt. Yedidya Gefen, 20, of Jerusalem was killed and seven others were wounded - four seriously - yesterday (February 6) in a combined roadside bomb and mortar and Katyusha rocket attack near an IDF outpost in the western sector of the security zone in southern Lebanon. Gefen was among the rescue team sent to assist those wounded in the bomb blast.

    Prime Minister Ehud Barak said:

    "The top responsibility of the Israeli government under my leadership is to ensure the safety of the northern settlements and to act in ways that will strengthen Israel - through peace negotiations with our neighbors, if these can be achieved while upholding our vital interests." This position combines the need to strike back at all those who hit us with the need to keep our eye on the overall goal of reaching peace agreements that will ensure a safe future for Israel..."

    We will continue to hit back at all those who hit us, and Hizbullah will pay a dear price for its attacks on Israeli soldiers. We have made them pay in the past. We will do it now and we will do it in the future."

     Official statements:

    IDF Spokesman latest announcements
    Major incidents in Lebanon 1999 (IDF)


    Hizballah (Party of God) - International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism